Τρέχω και δεν φτάνω. Ολα. δουλειά, παιδιά, φιλοξενούμενοι απο μακριά ΚΑΙ το κερασάκι...διαχείριση πολυκατοικίας- παραλαβή απο κλέφτη διαχειριστή και οι υπόλοιποι κάνουν την πάπια. αυτά.
κάτι λοιπόν, για να μην το κλείσω τελείως το blog! διαβάστε, έχει ενδιαφέρον...
1. Your knowledge of “what’s out there” makes you base your choices on your knowledge of what works and what doesn’t work
2. Creativity means creative choices of inclusion and exclusion (Robert Mckee)
3. What doesn’t work in one context - might work in another. Test your options
4. Creativity is interaction. Most of the time with real people
5. The biggest goal for your ideas is casualization. turning your idea into a trend that partly turns “mainstream” or “normal”
6. When an idea is casualized - work on a new idea. Be ahead of the market
7. Look at the past to predict the future. Patterns mostly form themselves and repeat themselves
8. Being the first is more important to creativity than to be the best. when somebody becomes the best - the first are being first in something else
9. Taking a creative project from a-z is a piece of art in itself. Sometimes the creative person can’t manage herself- he’s busy creating other ideas
10. Creative action speaks louder than creative words
11. You don’t really need to be tomorrow where you are today
12. you don’t need to have creative past to get a creative future
13. be a firestarter, a twisted firestarter
14. dare to be different, it will really get you further in the long run
15. Creative people are often disliked by other people. It’s often real hard for the creative person to accept that
16. See your body mind and spirit as a whole, get inspiration with new ways of eating, living, thinking etc
17. Make personal goals and keep them. Do you really want to write that book right now ? - how high priority does it have on a scale from 1- 10 ( 1 is the lowest)
18. Make all your thoughts positive instead of negative, don’t nag - think about what a negative situation gives you - in a positive way
19. Eliminate the word “against” in your mind. Don’t be against smoking or against war - be FOR health and FOR peace
20. Eliminate “forever” and “never” in your mind. This will contribute to reducing you reluctance to change and in the end make your person more in sync
21. Don’t go where no man has gone before - go where YOU haven’t gone before - if you don’t like it, see it as an experience, if you do - use it to grow further
22. what do you really want ? get a friend to ask you that question again and again for 5 mins - and write it down
23. put beauty in everything - live beautifully and clean up your mess
24. Smile, try meditation and yoga
25. Don’t react negatively to anything, tell people to their face what you think of the way they are behaving
26. Is the processes you have in your life right now draining your energy or giving you energy ? - if it’s draining your energy, get yourself out of there…
27. how do you feel when you have eaten ? tired or energized ? if you fell tired the likelyhood of a food intolerance is big
28. Dress up everyday
29. Be green - this will change your world ( and it will give you the energy to save the world)
30. Tell friends how much you appreciate them - do they know ?
31. Make your marks in the sand, claim what is yours before somebody else does
32. What do you want to do right now ?
33. Do it
34: l.i.v.e i.n. t.h.e n.o.w!
35: stay philosophical - something like ” is that dress really pink - or is it just my perception of it that’s pink?”
36: don’t just eat everything you put in your mouth, taste it… and taste it again - ask yourself what it tastes of
37: have a happy approach
38: don’t let people who let you down, get you down. use the experience to show them what you’re made of
39: be passionate about yourself and your life, if there’s not a tiny spark of passion in what you do, I believe you wouldn’t be doing it
40: try to take yourself where you want to go, not based on where you have been, but based on where you are now
41: see art
42: make art
43: give “it” away - now… it doesn’t matter what “it” is - just give it away
44: be direct, tell people if you don’t agree, but in a positive way - your opinion will be valued and not evaluated if you’re positive about it
45: give people the answers they are looking for, if you can give it to them.. ( and give it to the ASAP - I simply hate hanging on a leash)
46: if you’re in flow, you’re in flow - stop all arrangements and stay there - tell your family that if you say you simply “need” to do something - it’s because you’re in flow.
47: don’t put other people’s priorities first, put your own priorities first.
48: entrepreneurs: get paid for the work you do - if they don’t want to pay you, then they don’t deserve you ( or don’t value you enough) - but hold your head high - it’s hard to live under water
49: listen to music and podcasts - entertain and be entertained
50: have another glass of wine
51: party like there’s no tomorrow… examine the world as if you were born today
52: make yourself an “I am good” book. write down 3 points where you start with “I am good at…”. Then write down 3 points where you start with “Thank you for”. At last write down 3 points where you start with “help me with”… put everything out there - don’t care who you thank or who you ask for help.. just do it everynight before you go to bed… It will get you somewhere…
53: watch movies
54: stop watching TV
55: picture what will be written on your tombstone - picture you’re a hundred and look back at your life, what do you want to be remembered for?
56: take a ceramics course, when you’ve had enough take a guitar course, when you play the guitar to perfection - study literature at the university… keep evolving yourself..
57: Creativity is not a crime - keep pushin’ the ideas out there.
58: try to see patterns and see if you can estimate where the future is heading
60: have the excess energy to cook every night - make it a daily family event
61: have dinner parties for your favorite people.
62: listen, and then talk…
63: when people ask you how you’re doing - you should say “great”
64: buy a book today about a subject you don’t think you’re interested in
65: sign up for a new blog today
66: comment
67: try to design it yourself - no matter what you want to do…
68: ask the questions you are scared about first
69: remember your own youth revolution - are you still a part of it and fighting the same things ?
70: don’t fear the unknown
71: tell people if you disagree, when you disagree, not 3 days later
72: be involved in communities
73: use only your weak hand for one day
74: switch to left-handed
75: draw a familiar object, upside down
76: become a designer, in your mind and in your ways of acting
77: DIY - who knows what you might find ( or ruin)
78: draw 20 circles. Try to make each one into something in under 7 minutes (ie: pie, bicycle wheel, sewer grate, etc). repeat daily.
79: write “what if?” scenarios
80: imagine your problem was a contestant in the iron chef, but iron chef for X industry/context. how would they win?
81: act
82: praise yourself
82: be quiet
83: make noise
84: imagine incredible sex. and have it!
85: Imagine other contexts for things. "Macguyver" everything
86: always keep asking, why?
87: never settle down
88: don’t become too satisfied, be proud, but enhancing
89: if you never ask questions then you’re probably not getting the right answers
90: always keep asking. create questions around whatever you’re trying to do.
91: be polite, always
92: revolt
93: be green
94: take the bike
95: bring a notebook on you and a kick-ass pen
96: love
97: do art
98: join a "reclaim the streets"
99: picture yourself doing things you never thought you’d do.
100: record yourself singing a song on camera
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